Sunday, October 21, 2007

The History

The development of the Protestant religion began as an opposition to the Roman Catholic Church. People were not satisfied with the Popes and believed the religous teachings were often mistaken. Martin Luther began the reform by developing beliefs based on faith and the law of scripture. This would become Lutheranism. Protestants branched off from the Lutheran reform by "protesting" authorities of the Church. John Calvin was the leading reformer for Protestants. He kept many Lutheran beleifs but also developed new ones. Geneva was a Protestant city known as "the most perfect school of Christ."


Islam said...

That's really interesting how you said that the word Protestant comes from the word "protest" because of the protesting to branch off from the Lutheran reform. I had never heard that before!

Islam said...

sorry that post was by Caitlin M

alexh said...

That is really interesting that they changed it because they believed that the popes were not doing a good job and that what they were preaching was wroing. I never know that.